part time cfo/controller

All the expertise and experience of a professional CFO or controller for a fraction of the cost to your business

part-time cfo/controller services

Our certified professional accountants provide part-time CFO or controller services to give businesses the expertise and experience they need to operate and grow their organizations but at a fraction of the cost of a full-time employee.

When a business first starts, their financing needs can be quite limited and can be satisfied with a combination of in-house resources and an external accountant. But as the business grows, it’s finances start becoming more and more complex as employees pay and benefit plans, inventory management, corporate taxes and shareholder compensation all increase in complexity. At the beginning of this stage, taking on the overhead of a full-time CFO or controller might be more than the business can support.

We bring the expertise and experience of a professional CFO or controller at a fraction of the cost when your business needs it most.

Inter-gration CPA :: Part-Time COF/Controller Services

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    3 Wesleyan Street
    Georgetown ON